Welcome to Shipshewana Family Chiropractic
Shipshewana, Indiana 46565
Located in historic Shipshewana, Indiana at the corner of Main Street and Talmadge Street, Dr. Scott Wright at Shipshewana Family Chiropractic is dedicated to helping you achieve your wellness goals. He will combine skill and expertise in Upper Cervical Chiropractic. Dr. Wright is fully committed to bringing you better health and a better way of life by teaching and practicing the principles of true, traditional chiropractic care. In a day and age where there are many non-chiropractic things presented in chiropractic offices, come to our office where you will see an old-schooled chiropractic office. A place where we only practice Chiropractic…and get great results!
Dr Scott Wright is a graduate of
Davenport, IA
A patient seeking chiropractic care at Shipshewana Family Chiropractic can be assured of receiving the finest quality personalized care through the use of traditional, gentle chiropractic. Dr. Wright will evaluate and create a recommendation that is customized specifically for what YOU need. No canned approach here. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are interested in true health care, then personalized attention from Shipshewana Family Chiropractic is for you.
C'mon, take the first step toward getting your life back!
We Listen. We Care. We Get Results.
We use several Upper Cervical Techniques such as Orthospinology, Palmer Upper Cervical, MC2 as well as instrument adjusting through Koren Specific Technique. If you're unsure what these things are, don't worry—we will take great care of you.
If you are new to our website, take a look around to discover and learn about true traditional, old school chiropractic. Look at our success stories, and learn what chiropractic can do for children. Our entire chiropractic family welcomes you! C’mon, take the first step toward getting your life back!
If you are new to chiropractic care and want to find out more, please call (260) 768-7311 to receive personalized answers to your questions from our friendly team. Many times Dr. Wright himself will respond. So don’t be surprised.
"The Doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease." – Thomas Edison
Dr. Scott Wright
Shipshewana Chiropractor | Shipshewana Family Chiropractic | 260-768-7311
240 Talmadge Street, Shipshewana, IN 46565